Welcome to
Project institute

Development policies Ltd

Solution for you is our Product

Couple of words about us

Development policies LTD is Project Institute for providing advisory services for a wide specter of clients from all of the three sectors - public, private and nongovernmental organization. We gather top experts with unique experience and qualifications necessary for the success of Your organization.

Our motto presents our mission as well:
Solution for you is our Product

This logical trace of ambitious thinking represents the shorter expression model of the program cycle, which we follow in the organization of our work.

Define problem

Possible solutions


Monitoring and assessment of success

Our rich experience in use of different skills in different phases of program cycle, as well as working with organizations from all three sectors, already enabled:

Development of new business models and markets, especially in field of renewable resources of energy (the use of biomass),

Development of successful market models for managing the firm waste and recycle advancement,

Empowerment the city capacity, namely the capacities of the local self-government, for planning and realization of the local economy development,

Development of new business models and mechanisms control of different parameters of business within public companies,

Development of capacities for participating in intersectoral dialog and partnership projects, especially in field of public-private partnership,

Business planning and securing the financing for innovational projects, including technical innovations,

Development of the models and organizational forms of collective action (associations, clubs and initiatives),

Development of projects, programs and politics in the field of social responsibility of business, inclusive business, environmental protection and ethic principles.


Development policy Ltd. is a company that specializes in providing consulting services.
We work with:

The Public Sector

Our activities are directed towards the representatives of municipalities, cities, local governments, line ministries and other entities within the public administration.

Civil Sector

We support the activities of nonprofit organizations, sports associations, cultural and artistic programs, and persons of the socially vulnerable categories. We are present and in the international context where we represent the interests of foreign partners in the domestic market as well as the interests of domestic companies in foreign markets.

Business Sector

Within the cooperation with the business sector, we highlight the relationship with companies and investment funds, as well as the constant support provided in order to improve business efficiency.


Development policies LTD is Project Institute for providing advisory services with the special accent and competencies intended for clients in public sector.

Basic activities of our company are divided in three wide define groups:

Technical (professional) support, public administration and companies, throughout the whole program cycle (to recognize and define problems, research and analysis , define program options, grading and selection of strategies - development policies, implementation of policy, monitoring and evaluation).

Professional support or independently managing the development projects in favor for our clients (mostly the local units of self-government).

Development of new business models and recruiting-attracting the investors (domestic and foreign) from so propulsive branches, either public or private sectors, the thing that connects our clients is enthusiasm for development, and so our projects are focused on:

    • Development of renewable sources of energy and their commercial exploitation,
    • Development of innovative chains of distribution for new market/products/services,
    • Revisions of the local development strategies,
    • Development and use of new models of investment, including the public-private partnership etc,
    • Politics, programs and strategies of development,
    • Business association,
    • Production of business plans,
    • Foundation and/or empowerment offices and/or agencies for local economic development,
    • Analyzes of business and recommendations (business consulting),
    • Business and financial advising,
    • Financial management and restructuring,
    • Evaluation of capital and property value,
    • Budget and financial plan,
    • Communication management, public relations,
    • Development of knowledge and skills for development managing, training for public policies,
    • Informational technologies, as a support for development and business.


Services are coordinated with the needs of individual clients.
We invite you to identify the common interest in cooperation and precise parameters
of our project task by contacting us directly.